Supporting individuals in ways that focus on what is important TO them
“The ForMi app, online tool and H2t support processes fully align with social care policy guidance across all the four UK nations. It enacts the values, principles and approaches endorsed in relevant policy. In terms of care planning and outcomes recording it meets all the specifications detailed in policy”
DEEP Independent Review - to read the full report click here
At the core of our business is a passion for enabling and supporting people to maximise their potential, both at an individual and organisational level. We use a number of strength-based models to underpin this, including Appreciative Inquiry (AI), and have written National publications in this area. [Publication available here].
We have extensive experience of working with organisations who provide personalised support across the UK. This includes service improvement, policy development, stakeholder engagement and independent service review. Our roles have included direct service provision, regulation and inspection, and consultancy.
ForMi was developed to put ‘values into action’. It brings the person-centred planning process to life and supports individuals to have maximum ownership of their plans.
This results in greater levels of engagement and is a catalyst to people (staff and citizens) achieving their goals; whilst also enabling the service to evidence impact and value for money.
Why use ForMi
ForMi enables you to put the latest guidance around person-centred working, strength-based approaches, and recording outcomes, into practice. It can make a real and tangible difference to the individuals receiving support, and enable the organisation to evidence the impact of its work. Uniquely, progress can be measured against the individual’s own goals and standardised outcome frameworks.
One of the major challenges for public sector organisations is ensuring a ‘joined-up’ approach to service provision. When a number of agencies are supporting an individual, it is all too easy for this to be fragmented and lack a fully coordinated approach.
ForMi uses the Circle of Support model to maximise collaborate working, enabling everyone to stay in touch with how the individual is progressing and to provide real-time support.
Happy to help
We are always open to creative conversation about how we may be able to support you. We can provide an objective ‘helicopter’ view of your current situation and help you explore strategies for improvement. We can work with you to look at where you are now, where you want to get to, and what you need to do to get there.
This centres on how you can maximise people’s potential, but can also include wider processes of organisational development.