The ForMi Way
The ForMi Way is a toolkit that enables:
Individuals on programmes of personalised support to achieve their goals.
Organisations to evidence the impact of their support and interventions.
It is an approach that supports individual’s development, progression and wellbeing. It can be applied to people from all walks of life, from employees, to children and adults with additional support needs.
Why Use the ForMi Way?
Easy to Use: Alongside appropriate introduction and training.
Proven Success: Used by many organisations with great results.
Free Resources: All tools and templates are free to use.
Aligns with legislation and guidance
Empowerment: Individuals take charge of their goals.
Evidence of Success: Show the impact of your support with real stories and results.
Motivation: Focus on strengths and positive outcomes.
Collaboration: Everyone works together to support the individual.
Download your free copy
The ForMi is available to use for free. However we just ask you to provide us with some contact information so we know who is using. We promise not to bombard you with unsolicited emails!!