Winners! Better Lives Closer to home
We are extremely excited to have been one of five winners of a SBRI challenge called 'Better Lives Closer to Home', which has been funded by the Welsh Government in collaboration with the SBRI Centre of Excellence and Cardiff Capital Region. This was a National competition with interest from across Wales and beyond. We will be using the funding to support our pilot of the H2T App with Denbighshire County Council's KickStart programme, which supports young people 16-24 into employment. This is a DWP funded programme.
After the end of this R&D phase we will be building on the learning from across a range of services including employment support, learning disability, children's homes and homeless projects. We will also be in a position to apply for Phase 2 funding that will allow us to take the App fully to market. The really exciting part for us is that the App will have been through a number of co-productive testing phases in order to ensure it can really make a real difference to individual's lives. This will empower them to take control of other own support plans and resultant goals, creating a rich story of achievement through words and pictures.
In addition, for the support organisation, it will enable them to evidence the impact of their work, especially in relation to soft outcomes. Individual's will have their progression recorded over time in a robust way, particularly useful for funding bodies, regulators and commissioners.